Campaign Director

Welcome to the Naturals

If you love a socially pleasant party, you will love the Naturals.

If you enjoy the solitude of a drought-affected paddock, you will love the Naturals.

If you have ever been described derisively as a greenie, a witch, an inner-city woke espresso elitist, an econazi, a feminazi, a social justice warrior, and possibly even a threat to the national economy and national security, simply for seeking a fairer and healthier world, you will love the Naturals.

If you have ever attempted to live and work more sustainably but found the Australian state, federal and/or local governments have prevented you from doing so, you will love the Naturals. 

If you are an advocate of regenerative farming, value-added agriculture, clever conservation, water equity, harvesting holidays, healthy soils, and anything else bringing life back to where it belongs, you will love the Naturals. 

If you want a lovely, long-term future for many generations of Australian citizens and Australian species, love the Naturals and love a truly good life.

The Naturals offer an all-inclusive, fully paid, net zero political journey of a lifetime, and beyond it, all over Australia.

If you become a federal parliamentarian to improve democracy as one of the Naturals, you may even enjoy exclusive extras through taxpayer-funded international side trips to the edge of diplomacy.

I am the naturally interesting campaign director on behalf of the Naturals.

Joyce Barnyard-Bee

Social butterfly and political gadfly

7 November 2021
